Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Assignment: Nature Meditation

Due in class Thursday, September 11

Your assignment is to “go to the woods” and write a 3 page meditation on nature using some of the techniques of Thoreau and/or Leopold. This piece should reflect your own perspective—you need not imitate every element of Thoreau or Leopold's style—but use their work for inspiration and guidance.

Find a place on Stonehill’s campus to sit or walk and contemplate your surroundings. Do not rush this process! You may want to take notes or make sketches while you are there. I highly recommend the Chet Raymo nature trail as a place to begin, though you can choose your own spot. You can see a map of the trail here (marked #3).

This site also has some information about the history of the Stonehill campus and its ecosystem, which might be of use to you.

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